ggplot2 scales


ggplot2中所有映射都由scale_*函数控制, 使用vignette("ggplot2-specs")查看所有的映射。

Position scales and axes

Numeric positions and scales

limits 控制x, y轴的范围。

NOTE: When you truncate the scale limits, some data points will fall outside the boundaries you set, and ggplot2 has to make a decision about what to do with these data points. The default behaviour in ggplot2 is to convert any data values outside the scale limits to NA. This means that changing the limits of a scale is not always the same as visually zooming in to a region of the plot. If your goal is to zoom in on part of the plot, it is usually better to use the xlim and ylim arguments of coord_cartesian(ylim = c(10, 35))

base + 
scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(0))

expansion通过参数mult - proportion of axis limits, add定义limits扩展的大小。如果只提供一个值则默认向两侧扩展同样的大小,如果提供两个值则向两侧分别扩展指定的大小。

breaks 控制scale breaks以及对应的网格线。

breaks 参数接受一个数值向量中的值作为breaks. 也可以接受一个函数 - 该函数的参数接收该数值的limits,然后返回breaks的数值向量。scales包中提供了许多这样的函数,免去自己手动书写。

此外, minor_breaks,也可以同breaks一样设置,同时改变对应的minor grid lines.

labels 每一个breaks都有一个对应的labels.

同breaks一样,该参数可以接收一个函数 - 该函数接收break作为参数,返回对应的labels. 同样地, scales包中提供了许多这样的函数。

trans 数据变化

该参数决定数据该如何变化,同样地,该参数接收一个函数 - 该函数负责对数据进行变化。scales包中同样提供了许多这样的函数。你也可以直接指定对应的字符,以实行相应的数据变化。

p + scale_y_continuous(trans = "reciprocal")
p + scale_y_continuous(trans = scales::reciprocal_trans())

If you use a transformed scale, the axes will be labelled in the original data space; if you transform the data, the axes will be labelled in the transformed space.

Discrete position scales

Internally, ggplot2 handles discrete scales by mapping each category to an integer value and then drawing the geom at the corresponding coordinate location. Mapping each category to an integer value is useful because it means that other width quantities can be specified as a proportion of the category range. The same mechanism underpins the widths of bars and boxplots. Because each category has width 1 in a discrete scale, setting width = .4 when using geom_boxplot(width = .4) ensures that the box occupies 40% of the width allocated to the category.


Discrret limits 与 numerous limits的不同之处在于,它的limits不是具有endpoints的向量,而是一个包含该分类变量所有可能值的chr vector.


分类变量的label具有一个额外的功能 - 可以仅仅改变一部分breaks的labels。对此你需要提供一个字符向量,该向量元素的名称对应该分类变量可能的值。

base + scale_y_discrete(breaks = c("b", "c"))
base + scale_y_discrete(labels = c(c = "carrot", b = "banana")) 

guide 控制对该映射描述信息的显示


base + scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis( = 3))
base + scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(angle = 90))

name 控制该映射的名称

Binned position scales

A variation on discrete position scales are binned scales, where a continuous variable is sliced into multiple bins and the discretised variable is plotted

Color scale






ggplot2中默认用于连续变量颜色映射的函数是scale_fill_gradient, scale_fill_gradient2以及scale_fill_gradientn。这一系列函数分别接收2,3, 多个颜色,从而创建颜色之间的变化。

Missing values

数值变量中缺失值(包括超出limits范围的缺失值)默认被设置为灰色。可以通过设置参数na.value = NA使得缺失值不可见,也可以单独为其设置颜色na.value = "yellow"

limits, breaks, label

类似于position scales的设置。


Every scale is associated with a guide that displays the relationship between the aesthetic and the data.

对于continuous color的映射,它的guide就是图例, 被称之为color bar, 通过函数guide_colorbar设置其外观。

base + scale_colour_continuous(guide = guide_colourbar(reverse = TRUE))

discrete color


limits, breaks, labels 与其它的设置一样

legend 对于离散变量它的guides直接称为legend,可以通过guide_legend函数控制其guide的显示。

base + guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))

override.aes is useful when you want the elements in the legend display differently to the geoms in the plot.

base + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)))

Binned colour scales

和continuous scales一致, scale_fill_steps, scale_fill_steps2 , scale_fill_stepsn 作为binned colors的默认映射。

 scale_fill_stepsn(n.breaks = 9, colours = viridis::viridis(9))

legend binned colors 的legend 称为guide_coloursteps

Alpha scales


Size scales

size scales 的默认映射是scale_size,这里的映射是将数据的变化映射到area的变化。另外一个也是和size有关的映射函数是scale_radius,该函数将数据的变化映射到半径的变化。

Shape scales

scale_shape函数控制,该函数只有一个参数solid = TRUE,用于控制shape是空的还是实心的。



Linetype scales

Manual scales


ggplot(huron, aes(year)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = level + 5, colour = "above")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = level - 5, colour = "below")) +
    values = c("above" = "red", "below" = "blue")